Kit Black & White Reversal Film

This kit is to process 10 -12 negative films of 36 exp. and, using chemical reversal agent, reverses the following films: PAN F exposed at 25 ASA – FP 4 Plus exposed at 125 ASA – AGFA SCALA exposed at 200 ASA – Rollei Ortho 25 exposed at 25 ASA.

SKU: KITINBW1 Categories: ,


Kit to make 1 litre of First Developer – Bleach – Clarifier- Reversal – Second Developer – Fixer – Stabilizer. It is made to process Black & White films. This kit is to process 10 -12 negative films of 36 exp. and, using chemical reversal agent, reverses the following films: PAN F exposed at 25 ASA – FP 4 Plus exposed at 125 ASA – AGFA SCALA exposed at 200 ASA – Rollei Ortho 25 exposed at 25 ASA.

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